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Manifesting the Power of ‘Mindful Forgiveness’ in the New Year!

Writer's picture: Kelly BrowneKelly Browne

Updated: Jan 30, 2024

Forgiveness, Apologies, How to Say You are Sorry
Mindful Forgiveness - Kelly Browne

The magic of the new year creates the opportunity for fresh starts and clean slates as we bid farewell to the past. As Father Time marches forward, the melody of “Auld Lang Syne” conjures up nostalgic memories as cherubic images of the New Year’s baby symbolize rebirth and the contagious spirit of possibilities. Counting down the seconds, an imaginary line is drawn in time and sealed with the midnight lover’s kiss. We bravely step over into a bright new life in a worldwide celebration to grasp the future - releasing pain, past mistakes, and creating promises to ourselves.


In this journey of shiny new beginnings, how do we resolve to be better, find forgiveness and keep that faith in ourselves the whole year though? How do we release heartbreaking moments that hurt us or keep us frozen in time? How do we let go of people, words and events that caused chaos so we may embrace peace. How do we say, “I’m sorry. Please forgive me?” By creating the awareness of being ‘mindfully forgiving’ to ourselves and others we can raise our self-awareness to become more compassionate and live happier healthier lives. Here are a few ways to manifest ‘mindful forgiveness’ to be the best version of YOU:


Count Your Blessings:

Before you can truly move forward and embark on a new path, having gratefulness for your blessings is key. That magical feeling of gratitude raises your vibration, elevating positivity by acknowledging the spirit of abundance for even things like the air we breathe, our health or the people we adore. Like an electrical wave of love that overcomes you, reflect on what truly brings you joy and embrace that feeling anytime you need a spark from the universe.


What am I grateful for?




Reflection and Release:

The dawn of the New Year is the perfect time to meditate and review your life with personal grace, by making amends, creating forgiveness for yourself, and saying good riddance to what no longer serves you. Harnessing ill will toward someone or carrying grudges never changes the hurtful words, the painful incident or erases the trauma - it only makes you feel unwell. A dear friend pointed out that the word disease, is quite literally dis-ease. This perspective is illuminating. When we are unable to release past pain, it can settle into our physical body lowering our vibration making us sick. We cannot change the past, but we can change how we carry it in our mind in this present moment by creating compassion. By taking a moment to step back and reflect on challenging moments sometimes provides you with greater clarity. Mindful forgiveness is your mental decision to consciously choose to disempower resentment by energetically releasing the incident from your thoughts rendering it powerless and moving toward inner peace for your happiness and healing.


I want to release:



I want to mindfully forgive:



Embracing Resolutions:

The tradition of New Year’s resolutions historically surrounds what we want to change about ourselves and habits we want to break. This year, consider what it is you resolve to bring into your life as you mindfully release. Clear the chaos by connecting to your higher self in meditation to heal your heart. In everything you say and do – step back and love yourself first. Think about how your life would be different if you let that grudge go? Apologized? Or simply created forgiveness for yourself? Set safe boundaries with the people who have created chaos – choose you. Embrace the lessons with grace and compassion and remember we are all here on this earthly journey to learn. Resolve to move forward in grace and gratitude so you may live your one precious life.


I resolve to love myself first by: ____________________________________________________________________


The power of mindful forgiveness and the ability to apologize are essential parts of our humanity. It is sacred healing that only you can do for yourself. It is your decision, in your time. Remember, the trees let go of their leaves to welcome new growth and celebrate spring. Reflect, breathe and release everything that is not your burden to carry. Compassionate love for yourself and others, is always the answer.


Kelly Browne is a well-known gratitude expert on thank-you notes for adults and children. She is the author of the bestselling series, 101 Ways to Say Thank You (Sterling 2008, 2nd edition, 2015) and 101 Ways to Say Thank You! Kids & Teens (Cedar Fort, 2015), 101 Ways to Say Thank You: Notes of Gratitude for Every Occasion (Adams Media/S&S, 2022) and new book, 101 Ways to Create Mindful Forgiveness (HCI, March 2023).

For more info visit: – Instagram: @KellyBrowneOfficial


Photo credit: Matt Garcia




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